compiled by Custom Design & Consultation
We are pleased to present this listing of events and resources relating to commercial vehicle safety.E-Mail us with information of interest!
Resources for the Commercial Vehicle Industry
Web sites, Software, OMC Addresses, Books,
Journals, Catalogs, Associations, Consultants, Products, Services
411 Directory | |
The Trucker's Page | |
The Internet Truckstop | |
J.J. Keller & Associates | |
K-40 | |
NetTrans - Online All the Time | |
Roadway Express Online | |
S.M.R. Transport Inc. | | | |
Transport News | |
Transportation Resources | http:// |
Truck Net | |
The Truckers' Mall | |
The Truckers/Transportation Homepage |
Cadec Systems | Vehicle Indormation Systems | |
Computerized Fleet Analysis | CFA | 800-437-6001 |
EasyQuote | Hyperglide Software Inc. | 800-267-8216 |
Extra Fleet | Current Software | 800-733-2052 |
Truckmaster Logistics Systems, Inc. | FAST Trucking Software | 208-324-5191 |
FleetMaint | DPSI | 800-237-7669 |
Fleet Management Software, | Lucas | |
Highway Vehicles Safety Database on CD-ROM | S. A. E. | 412-776-4970 |
Maintenance Dossier | Arsenault Associates | 800-525-5256 |
MaintStar | Bender Engineering Inc. | 800-255-5675 |
Materials Management Software System | Surfside Software Systems, Inc., | 913-384-0880 |
National Motor Carrier Directory on Disk | Transportation Technical Services, Inc. | 800-666-4887 |
SI-FleetManager, SI-FleetTracker, SI-Financials | Systems Integration | 800-479-7836 |
![]() Prevent! - Trucking Safety / Accident Reduction Software |
Custom Design & Consultation | 847-623-1175 |
TranWare | Surfside Software Systems, Inc. | |
Trailermaster | S. A. E. | 412-776-4970 |
Vehicle Tracker | Squarerigger Corporation | 800-677-3139 |
As published in CFR 301.52 the addresses of the regional offices are as follows for the following areas:
Region 1 | Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island and Vermont
4 Normanskill Blvd., Delmar, NY 12054 (Conforms to Standard Federal Regions 1 and 2.) |
Region 3 | Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia
31 Hopkins Plaza, Baltimore, MD 21201 |
Region 4 | Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee | 1720 Peachtree Rd. NW., Atlanta, GA 30309 |
Region 5 | Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin | 18209 Dixie Highway, Homewood, IL 60430 |
Region 6 | Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas | 819 Taylor St., Fort Worth, TX 76102 |
Region 7 | Iowa, Kansas, Missouri,and Nebraska | Post Office Box 7186, Country Club Station, Kansas City, MO 64113 |
Region 8 | Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming | Room 242, Bldg. 40, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 |
Region 9 | Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada | 450 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, CA 94102 |
Region 10 | Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington | 222 Southwest Morrison St., Portland, OR 97204 |
1987 Emergency Response Guidebook, | DOT P58000.4 USDOT | |
American Trucker EXIT GUIDE | Interstate America Publishing | 800-683-3948 |
The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Today's Private Fleet | National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1300 |
Making Better Use of Private Fleet Resources | National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1300 |
Managing a Safe and Effective Private Fleet Workforce | National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1300 |
Mexican Motor Carrier Directory | Transportation Technical Services, Inc. | 800-666-4887 |
Motor Fleet Safety Supervision: Principles and Practices, 4th Ed., 1983 | National Committee for Motor Fleet Supervisor Training, Pennsylvania State University | |
Motor Fleet Safety Manual 3rd edition 1986 | National Safety Council | 800-621-7619 |
National Motor Carrier Directory | Transportation Technical Services, Inc. | 800-666-4887 |
The Role of the Private Fleet: Value Vs. Cost Considerations | National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1300 |
Traffic-Accident Investigation Manual Vol. I, 1986 | J. Stannard Baker and Lynnn B. Fricke | |
Traffic-Accident Investigation Manual Vol. II, 1990 | J. Stannard Baker and Lynnn B. Fricke | |
DOT Audit Guide & Professional Truck Drivers Handbook | National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1300 |
Model Driver's Manual for Commercial Vehicle Driver Licensing, Order #G0010, Recommended Maintenance Practices Manual | American Trucking Association | 800-282-5463 |
Model Driver's Manual for Commercial Vehicle Driver Licensing | J. J. Keller & Associates, Neenah, WI, July 1989 | 414-722-2848 |
Qualifying for Your Commercial Driver's License, Kevin M. Holloway | Combined Talents, Inc., Gulf Breeze, FL, 1989 | |
Schools with PTDIA Certified Courses listed by state | Professional Truck Driver Institute of America, Inc. | 916- 686-5146 |
TTMA Recommended Practices | Truck Trailer Manufacturer's Association | 703-549-3010 |
North American Uniform Out-of-Service Criteria | Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) | 301-564-1623 |
Air Brakes From The Driver's Seat | Institute of Police Technology and Management, University of North Florida | 904-646-2722 |
Safety and Servicing of Multi-Piece Rim Wheels | Rubber Manufacturers Association | 202-682-4800 |
SAE Handbook, Annual | Society of Automotive Engineers | 412-776-4841 |
Commercial Vehicle Preventable Accident Countermeasures Manual | Triodyne Inc. | 847-677-4730 |
Vehicle Sizes and Weight Manual | J. J. Keller & Associates, Neenah, WI, July 1989 | 414-722-2848 |
Hazardous Commodity Handbook | National Tank Truck Carriers, Inc. | 703-838-1960 |
ATA Publications & Services Catalog | American Trucking Associations, Inc. | 703-838-1700 |
Atlantic Trucking | Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association | 506-387-4413 |
American Trucker Badger Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Buckeye Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker California Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Cascade Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Central States Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Florida Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Kentucky / Tennessee Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Illinois Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Indiana Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Metro Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Michigan Truck Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Mid Atlantic Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Minnesota / Dakota Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Mountain America Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker New England Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker New York / Pennsylvania Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker South Central Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
American Trucker Southern Edition | American Trucker | 317-297-5500 |
Caltrux | California Trucking Association | 916-373-3500 |
Cargo Tank Hazardous Material Regulations | National Tank Truck Carriers, Inc. | 703-838-1960 |
Central Truck Catalog | My Little Salesman Truck Inc. | 800-352-0642 |
Commercial Carrier Journal | Cahners Publishing | 610-964-4000 |
Connecticut Motor Transport News | Motor Transport Association of Connecticut | 203-289-9576 |
Diesel Equipment Superintendent (DES) | Business Journals | 203-853-6015 |
Direction (Alexandria) | National Moving and Storage Association | 703-671-8813 |
Distribution | Chilton Co. | 215-964-4000 |
Driver Pay Profile 1994 | National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1300 |
Driven with Pride | Volvo-GM Heavy Truck | 614-274-6600 |
Excise Tax Quarterly | National Truck Equipment Association | 800-441-NTEA |
Fastline for Dixie Truckers | Fastline Publications Inc. | 502-222-0146 |
Fastline for Florida Truckers | Fastline Publications Inc. | 502-222-0146 |
Fastline for Georgia Truckers | Fastline Publications Inc. | 502-222-0146 |
Fastline for Kentucky Truckers | Fastline Publications Inc. | 502-222-0146 |
Fastline for Mid-West Truckers | Fastline Publications Inc. | 502-222-0146 |
Fastline Northland Truck Edition | Fastline Publications Inc. | 502-222-0146 |
Fastline for Tennessee Truckers | Fastline Publications Inc. | 502-222-0146 |
Fastline for Tri-State Truckers | Fastline Publications Inc. | 502-222-0146 |
Fifth Wheel, | Naylor Publications | 410-785-2445 |
Fleet Equipment | Maple Publications | 708-359-6100 |
Fleet Owner | Intertec Publishing Co. | 914-949-8500 |
Florida Truck News | Florida Trucking Association | 904-222-9900 |
Go West | Motor Transport Publishers Inc. | 916-852-5700 |
Government Tender Report | American Trucking Associations, Inc. | 703-838-1700 |
Government Traffic Bulletin | American Trucking Associations, Inc. | 703-838-1700 |
Heavy Duty Trucking | Newport Publications | 714-261-1636 |
Heavy Equipment Catalog | My Little Salesman Truck Inc. | 800-352-0642 |
Highway Common Carrier Newsletter | Regular Common Carrier Conference | 703-898-1970 |
Illinois Truck News | Illinois Trucking Association | 708-452-3508 |
Industrial Relations and Government Affairs Special Report | Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association | 703-838-1980 |
Interstate Information Report | American Trucking Association, Inc. | 703-838-1700 |
Iowa Trucking Lifeliner | Iowa Motor Trucking Association | 515-244-5193 |
Keep On Truckin' News | Mid-West Truckers Association, Inc. | 217-525-0310 |
Keller's Product & Service Catalog | J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. | 414-722-2848 |
Land-Line, Owner-Operator | Independent Driver's Association of America | 816-229-5791 |
Lifting and Transportation International | Leo Douglas, Inc. | 804-741-6704 |
Maine Motor Transport News | Maine Motor Transport Association, Inc. | 207-623-4128 |
Maintenance | American Trucking Associations, Inc. | 703-838-1700 |
Maintenance Manager Magazine | American Trucking Associations, Inc. | 703-838-1700 |
Manitoba Highway News | Manitoba Trucking Association | 25 Bunting Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba , MB R2X 2P5 |
Manitoba Ship by Truck Directory | Manitoba Trucking Association | 25 Bunting Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba , MB R2X 2P5 |
Mayflower Warehouseman | Mayflower Warehouseman | 317-844-6226 |
Mid-America Transporter | Kansas Motor Carriers Association | 913-267-1641 |
Mid-South Trucking News | Mid-South Trucking News | 501-834-8600 |
Midwest Motor Transport News | Minnesota Trucking Association | 612-646-7351 |
Milk and Liquid Food Transporter | Brady Co. | 414-255-0108 |
MMCA News | Montana Motor Carrier's Association | 406-442-6600 |
Modern Bulk Transporter | Tunnell Publications, Inc. | 713-523-8124 |
Modern Truckstop News | GCI Publishing | 301-984-7333 |
Motor Carrier Safety Report | J. J. Keller & Associates | 414-722-2848 |
Motor Truck | Southam Magazine Group | 416-445-6641 |
Mover's News | NYS Mover's and Warehouseman's Association | 518-449-8786 |
Movin' Out | Pollock Enterprises | 412-794-6857 |
National Safety Council General Materials Catalog | National Safety Council | 800-621-7619 |
National Tank Truck Carrier Directory | National Tank Truck Carriers, Inc. | 703-838-1960 |
National Truck Equipment Association Legislative Report | National Truck Equipment Association | 800-441-NTEA |
National Truck Equipment Association Regulations Report | National Truck Equipment Association | 800-441-NTEA |
NATSO Truckers News | National Association of Truck Stop Operators | 714-261-1636 |
NAGWA Review | National - American Wholesale Grocers Association | 703-532-9400 |
Nebraska Trucker | Nebraska Motor Carriers Association | 402-476-7822 |
NTEA Technical Report | National Truck Equipment Association | 800-441-NTEA |
Official Motor Carrier Director | Official Motor Freight Guide, Inc. | 312-278-2454 |
Official Motor Freight Guide | Official Motor Freight Guide, Inc. | 312-278-2454 |
Oklahoma Motor Carrier | Associated Motor Carriers of Oklahoma, Inc. | 405-843-9488 |
Overdrive | Randall Publishing Company | 800-633-5953 |
Over the Road | Ramp Publishing Group | 770-587-0311 |
Owner-Operator News | Owner Operator Independent Driver Association | 816-229-5791 |
Owner and Operator Directory | Ramp Publishing Group | 404-587-03111 |
Owner Operator | Cahners Publishing | 610-964-4264 |
P & D Magazine | Motor Transport Publishers Inc. | 916-852-5700 |
Penntrux | Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association | 717-761-7122 |
Private Carrier | National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1300 |
Private Fleet Benchmarks of Quality and Productivity: 1994 | National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1300 |
The Private Fleet Directory 1994-95 | National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1300 |
Private Fleet Profile: 1994 | National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1300 |
Private Line | National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1300 |
Pro Trucker | Ramp Enterprises | 770-587-0311 |
Professional Safety, | American Society of Safety Engineers, | 708- 692-4121 |
Refrigerated Transporter | Tunnell Publications, Inc. | 713-523-8124 |
Road King | Hammock Publishing | 615-385-9745 |
Roadwise | Montana Motor Carrier's Association, Inc. | 406-442-6600 |
Ryder Resource | Ryder System, Inc. | 302-593-3203 |
Safety and Compliance News | National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1217 |
Saskatchewan Trucking | ProWest Publications, | 306-352-3400 |
Saskatchewan Trucking - Ship by Truck Directory | Saskatchewan Trucking Association | 306-569-9696 |
SC & RA Newsletter | Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association | 703-838-1980 |
SCTA Hi-Lights | South Carolina Trucking Association, Inc. | 803-799-4306 |
Smith System Driver Training Aids | Smith System | 800-777-7648 |
South Dakota Trucking News | South Dakota Trucking Association, | 605-334-871 |
Southern Motor Cargo, | Southern Motor Cargo, Inc. | P. O. Box 40169, Memphis, TN, 38174 |
Successful Dealer | Kona Communications Inc. | 708-498-3180 |
TARA News and Topics, | Truck-Frame & Axle Repair Association | 718-257-6133 |
Tarheel Wheels | North Carolina Trucking Association Inc. | 919-834-0387 |
TE News | National Truck Equipment Association | 800-441-NTEA |
Tennessee Trucking News | Tennessee Trucking Association Inc. | 615-255-0558 |
Today's Trucking | InfoRamp Inc. | 416-614-2200 |
Tow - Age | Kruza Kaleidoscopix, Inc. | 508-528-6211 |
Tow Times | TT Publications, Inc. | 407-327-4817 |
Towing and Recovery Phootnotes | Phootnotes Publishing Co. | 309-243-7900 |
Traffic Safety | National Safety Counci | 800-621-7619 |
Traffic Management | Cahner's Publishing | 800-662-7776 |
Trailer - Body Builders | Tunnell Publications, Inc. | 713-523-8124 |
Transport Fleet News | Transport Publishing Co. | 312-880-0086 |
Transport Topics | American Trucking Associations, Inc. | 703-838-1700 |
Transportation and Distribution | Penton Publishing | 216-696-7000 |
Transportation Executive Update | Regular Common Carrier Conference | 703-838-1970 |
Transportation Quarterly | Eno Transportation | 703-729-7200 |
TTS Quarterly | Transportation Technical Services, Inc. | 800-666-4887 |
Truck & Off-Highway Industries | Chilton Co. | 215-964-4255 |
Truck & Trailer | New Communications Group | 416-798-2977 |
Truck Facts | Pace Publications | 414-272-887 |
Truck News | New York State Motor Truck Association | 300 Winston Dr. No, 914, Cliffside Park, NJ, 07010-3215 |
Truck News | Southam Magazine Group | 416-445-6641 |
Truck Paper | Truck Paper | 800-247-4868 |
Truck Parts & Service | Kona Communications Inc. | 708-498-3180 |
Truck Trends | Truck Trends | c/o Paul, 5115 N. First Street, DeKalb, IL, 60115 |
Truck West | Southam Business Communications Inc. | 416-445-6641 |
Truck World & Western Trucking News | Global Trade Publications Ltd. | 604-904-2002 |
Trucker | Belmont Publishing Inc. | 800-666-2770 |
Truckers - USA | BPS Inc. | 205-758-3070 |
Trucker's Connection | Trucker's Connection | 770-416-0927 |
Truckin' | McMullen Publishing | 714-635-9040 |
Trucking '95 Application Digest | Pollard Publishing Group, Inc. | 205-236-2201 |
Trucking Industry Equipment Video Inventory (Catalog of Videotapes) | American Trucking Associations, Inc. | 703-838-1700 |
Trucking Permit & Tax Bulletin | J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. | 414-722-2848 |
Trucking Permit Guide | J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. | 414-722-2848 |
Trucking Technology | Business Journals | 203-853-6015 |
Trucking Safety Guide | J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. | 414-722-2848 |
Trucks | Trucks Magazine, Inc. | 212-523-1302 |
Trux | Georgia Motor Trucking Association, | 404-876-4313 |
Truxbook | Alberta Trucking Association | 403-253-8401 |
Truxpress | Alberta Trucking Association | 403-253-8401 |
Update | Ontario Trucking Association | 416-249-7401 |
Utility Fleet Manager | Public Utilities Reports, Inc. | 703-243-7000 |
West Virginia Transporter | West Virginia Motor Truck Association | 304-345-2800 |
Western Truck Catalog | My Little Salesman Truck Inc. | 800-352-0642 |
ATA Publications & Services Catalog, 1995 | American Trucking Associations | 800-282-5463 |
Canadian Trucking Association | 613-236-9426. | |
Keller's Product & Service Catalog | J.J. Keller & Associates | |
My Little Salesman Truck Catalog | Industrial Publishing Co. | 800-352-0642 |
General Materials Catalog | National Safety Council | 800-621-7619 |
Smith System Driver Training Aids, 1990 | Smith System, 1106 Pioneer Parkway Arlington TX 76013 | 800-777-7648. |
Films for Highway Safety and Traffic Engineers | U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. Report No. FHWA-1P-86-25 December 1986. National Technical Information Service | |
Trucking Industry Equipment Video Inventory (Catalog of Videotapes) | American Trucking Associations | 800-282-5463 |
Alberta: Alberta Trucking Association | 403-253-8401 |
American Bus Association | 202-842-1645 |
American Public Transit Association | 202-898-4000 |
American Society of Transportation and Logistics | 717-748-8515 |
American Truck Dealers | 703-821-7116 |
American Trucking Associations | 703-838-1700 |
Americans for Safe and Competitive Trucking | 202-544-5030 |
Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association | 506-387-4413 |
Association du Camionnage du Quebec | 514-932-0377 |
Better Roads and Transportation Council | 202-289-4434 |
British Columbia Trucking Association | 604-942-3200 |
California Trucking Association | 916-373-3500 |
Canadian Trucking Association | 613-236-9426 |
Certified Claims Professional Accreditation Council | 301-292-1988 |
Driver Leasing Council of America | 202-434-4107 |
Electronic Data Interchange Association | ??? |
Independent Truck Owner/Operator Association | 800-628-4866 |
Independent Truckers and Drivers Association | 410-242-0507 |
Intermodal Association of North America | |
International Road Federation | 202-554-2106 |
Interstate Truckload Carriers Conference | 703-838-1950 |
Manitoba Trucking Association | 204-632-6600 |
Mid-West Truckers Association | 217-525-0342 |
National Private Truck Council | 703-683-1300 |
National School Transportation Association | 703-644-0700 |
National Trailer Dealers Association | 800-800-4552 |
National Truck Equipment Association (NTEA) | 416-249-7401 |
Ontario Trucking Association | 416-249-7401 |
Owner - Operator Independent Drivers Association | 800-444-5791 |
Professional Truck Driver Institute of America | 916-686-5146 |
Saskatchewan Trucking Association | 306-569-9696 |
Society of Professional Drivers | 215-647-0818 |
The Maintenance Council of the American Trucking Associations | 703-838-1950 |
The Road Information Program | 202-466-6706 |
United Bus Owners of America | 800-424-8262 |
Western Highway Institute | 415-952-4900 |
Women's Transportation Seminar | 617-227-5551 |
Accident Reconstruction
Rudny & Sallmann Engineering, | 847-244-8868 |
Triodyne Consulting Engineers, | 847-677-4730 |
A. A. Vaitekunas, | 703-759-5411 |
Bulk Carrier | Liquid Transport Corp | 317-894-2500 |
Cargo Claims Consultants | Rope & Associates | |
Carrier | Metzger & Sons Trucking Company | 800-448-4638, 219-352-2713 |
Carrier | TMFT Trucking | |
Consulting Services | Schonny | 303-670-9771 |
Data Processing Services | Transport Data, General Data Services | 561-863-8700 |
DOT Compliance Services | Fleet Facts | 612-930-3322 |
Driver Screening | TestMaster, Inc | 541-686-9934 |
Driver Training | Tri-State Semi Driver Training | |
Drug and alcohol testing | STA United, Inc. | 800-288-8504 |
Freight Brokerage | Load Dock | 800-523-5623 |
Freight Brokerage | Twin Modal Inc. | 800-366-8946 |
Freight Brokerage | United States Exports | |
Insurance Brokers | TruckWriters - an independant insurance company serving the upper Midwest since 1983 | |
Loads & Equipment Matching | Link Logistics | 800-263-6149 |
Loads & Available Trucks | Internet Trucking Exchange | |
Labor Leasing provides CDL drivers, dispatchers, and other related personnel. | Labor Leasing | |
Load List | | 804-739-8833 |
Maintenance Management | David Geaslin Maintenance Management Consulting | 713-286-1359 |
Multiple Services | RCM Services | |
Parts - Trucks, trailers and more | | |
Permitting Service, Long Island | Permits Plus | |
Service Locations | Truckdown | 204-269-8176 |
Staffing | Labor Leasing | |
Staffing - Toronto | In Transit | 416-265-4933 |
Training and Education | Traffic Safety Information Village | |
Trade and Freight MOL | MarKley Company | |
Transportation Computer Consultation | Scanlon Associates | |
Transportation and Logistics | FreightWorld | 510-672-8410 |
Transportation Brokers | InTransit | 800-547-2053 |
Truck Wash Equipment - maintenance and service | DuBois Chemicals |
Accu-Thump Sales
Direct Point Marketing
Buddy Bolt System
Direct Point Marketing
CTTS/Safety Products
Illuminated Clip Board
Clip Board
Driver Training Material
AAS Truck Driver Training Material
Silk screened products
Image Pointe
Market Surveys, OTR Driver's
Labels and placards
Lift-N-Go, Revolver Wrecker
Capitol Tool and Die
Reflective Tarps
Tank Trailer Parts
littlejohn inc.
Truck, Trailer, Bus Parts
HD America
Paccar Financial Corp.
Truck Financing
Truck & Trailer Locks
Used trucks
from Sweden
Salvage Vehicles & Parts
IAA Specialty Salvage
Truck Repairs
Chino, CA
Interclean Equipment
Truck Washing equipment
Used Truck and Auto Parts
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